Lemur Autovision to help increase road safety

If used correctly, that is. The Lemur Autovision is a device that is a snap to install in just about any vehicle, and it helps you get a clearer picture on your driving, recording important information like speed, distance and brakes while you tear up asphalt in your vehicle. Parents who review such data after their kids have taken out the family car for a spin will be able to better advise the younger ones on picking up life-saving pointers when driving.

Some of the features available on the Lemur Autovision include :-

* Real-time feedback
* Reports speed, distance, brakes
* Convenient keychain LCD
* Easy to install
* Affordable - no monthly fees
* Tamper Proof and PIN protected

You can pick up the Lemur Autovision for $99.95 a pop, and unless used responsibly, it will remain pretty much useless when it comes to cutting down the number of road accidents and fatalities. Still, a tool like this should not go unnoticed as any bit could go a long way in helping us make our roads safer for everyone.

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