Mr iSpy Digital Camera Binoculars

Now here's a hot gadget from the Nifty Gadgets Department at Chilli Technology. In essence, it's a clever hybrid of a pair of compact binoculars and the art of the digital camera. Enabling one to get up close and personal with all manner of distant happenings.

Simply get up close and snap. Or switch to video mode and capture distant objects as never before. It's that easy. It's like having a giant telephoto lens at your disposal in a camera not much bigger than one's palm. Its beauty is that you simply snap what you see, with no complex viewers or screens to try to second-guess.


* Image sensor 1.3 Megapixel CMOS
* Memory: 16MB SDRAM
* USB 1.1 interface
* Lens: F2.8, f=28mm
* Two resolution modes: 1280 x 1024 pixels or 640 x 480 pixels
* File formats: Movie: AVI/Still Image: JPG
* Video Frame Rate: QVAG (320x240) mode: 9fps-13fps
* Focus range 10m-infinity
* Auto exposure

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